2 min read

The Position of Your Nose

Dear Ignoramus Mark Shiffrin;

I understand from Christine Jowdy you have bad-mouthed me to a number of people, including Lawyer Serofinowicz.

Are you angling to be sued by me?

You need to consider a few things before you open your mouth.

After Christine was arrested in October 2022 for attacking me, in violation of the court's order, she retaliated by terminating my health insurance. I did not bring that up to authorities because I did not want to see Christine punished. In fact, it never crossed my mind she would be arrested in the first place. She was threatening suicide, again that morning, which alarmed me because she was violent toward me and I was afraid she might harm herself and me. That was the third incident of that nature where I believed she was in such distress I needed to involve authorities.

I have never been a party to a DCF case. DCF cleared me regarding my assisting Christine to restrain Noah Milot during the fall of 2023. I have a letter from them.

After Noah Milot attacked Christine and attempted to break her arm in November 2019, I told Christine she needed to institutionalize him or have Ray Milot take over because. Yes, I was the impetus behind getting the issue of Noah being violent toward Christine addressed. Sadly, for Christine and Noah, sending him to his father was not a good alternative but it was the only alternative given the circumstance of DCF involvement and Ray Milot's refusal to do what was in the child's best interest.

I told Christine after the last incidents with her children in March of 2020 and our discovery of Ray Milot's text messages to stalk us and manipulate the children that I never wanted any of them around me again. I meant that then and I mean that now. So, to the extent you or Rebecca Mayo-Goodrich posture to any court my continuing involvement with Christine's children, there will be none because I FORBID THEM EVER COMING AROUND ME.

I wrote the original complaint that Christine filed against Milot. Because of her significant mental distress because you failed to adequately prepare her and yourself for the October 18, 2023, hearing in Milot v. Milot, and your bad-mouthing me, she did not receive support from me to complete interrogatories demanded by the defendants in Jowdy v Milot. And Lawyer Serofinowicz is about to have a bar complaint filed against him.

There is no doubt the genesis of Christine's mental anguish is Ray Milot's coercion of their children; however, your incompetence is certainly a contributing factor.  Why are you so intent in undermining Christine's support network by bad-mouthing me? You are a fucking fool, that is why. I suggest you withdraw your nose from Rebecca Mayo-Goodrich's ass and Christine's cases and find another venue for your malpractice.  

Jon Goodwin